Experience: Special treatments

Peel appeal

Local clinics are going beyond Botox with an arsenal of innovative procedures aimed at rejuvenating skin. The VI Peel, offered at the Dermatology Clinic, has gained a following among the Hollywood set because of its minimal downtime and impressive results. Using acids and vitamins, this “next-generation” peel addresses a variety of skin concerns from discoloration and scars to fine lines and wrinkles. Unlike many traditional chemical peels, this one promises a pain-free experience and works on a cellular level for all skin types and colors.

769-7546, thedermatologyclinic.com

Super sonic

Want the look of a lift without surgery? Consider Ultherapy, a tightening technique that uses ultrasound energy to firm up loose skin on the chin, neck and brow. Available at Z Aesthetic Dermatology, the treatment stimulates deep structural support layers beneath the skin—the same layers addressed by plastic surgeons in a facelift—without disrupting the surface layers. Results develop gradually over the next few months, and patients are advised to visit for a touch-up after a year to maintain firmness.

778-7540, zdermatology.com

The latest in lasers

Williamson Cosmetic Center’s Active FX laser treatments fight back against the damage caused by ultraviolet light. High-energy columns of light beamed from a fractional laser work their magic on skin areas most in need of TLC, including lip lines, crow’s feet and acne scars. Sun-damaged fibers are removed without damaging surrounding skin, and new collagen and elastin start to grow. Treatment intensity can be customized—go lighter to address smaller lines or deeper to resurface the whole face.

927-7546, williamsoncosmeticcenter.com

Looking sharp

Even with so many cutting-edge skin treatments now available, a decidedly low-tech procedure is also popular with exfoliation fans. Dermaplaning, offered at the Baton Rouge Clinic as a stand-alone technique or in conjunction with laser treatments, uses a surgical blade to delicately remove dead skin cells and pesky peach fuzz. “This exfoliation allows for better product penetration and increases the overall radiance of the skin,” says dermatologist Courtney Murphy. Because no chemicals are involved, the procedure is safe for patients who are pregnant or nursing.

246-9471, batonrougeclinic.com