Local celebrities will compete in a karaoke competition at Opéra Louisiane’s Sing & Swing fundraiser on February 15.

A look at what to do this February

Radium Girls

February 7-16 | Theatre Baton Rouge

Theatre Baton Rouge’s Young Actors Program will explore justice, resilience and commercialized health and wellness in its production of Radium Girls. Set in the 1920s, the play follows protagonist Grace Fryer as she fights to reveal the truth after she and her fellow dial painters fall ill due to radiation exposure. theatrebr.org


Camellia Show & Sale

February 8-9 | LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens

Explore hundreds of camellia blooms available for purchase and get planting advice from members of the Baton Rouge Camellia Society at this annual, weekend-long event featuring an exhibit of award-winning camellias propogated from the Botanic Gardens. lsu.edu/botanic-gardens


Valentine’s Gala

February 8 | Renaissance Hotel

In honor of American Heart Month, local nonprofit Jump Start Your Heart is hosting its 17th annual Valentine’s Gala complete with dinner, dancing, door prizes and live entertainment by The Bucket List. jumpstartyourheart.org



February 13-15 | Abundant Life Church

Christian Youth Theater will bring to life the imaginative world and out-of-the-box characters of Dr. Seuss with a musical show for the whole family. From Horton the Elephant to the Cat in the Hat, the performances aim to inspire audiences. cytbatonrouge.org


Sing & Swing

February 15 | Crowne Plaza

Opéra Louisiane’s annual fundraising event is back with a new cast of local celebrities, including Dickie Brennan and Reggi Marion, who will compete to be named King and Queen of Swing in a karaoke competition. operalouisiane.com


River City Jazz Masters: Emmet Cohen

February 20 | Manship Theatre

Jazz pianist and composer Emmet Cohen is taking over the Manship Theatre stage for a performance showcasing his artistry and the beauty of his medium. manshiptheatre.org

Wild Game Cookout

February 22 | Erwinville

To enrich the lives of children in the care of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and their families, the Dream Day Foundation will once again host its Wild Game Cookout, complete with a live auction, food and more. dreamdayfoundation.org


Herb Day

February 22 | LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens

Spice up your life at the Baton Rouge chapter of the Herb Society of America’s celebration of herbs. Guests are invited to spend the day learning, eating, shopping and enjoying the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens. lsu.edu/botanic-gardens


Baton Rouge Mardi Gras Festival

March 1 | North Boulevard Town Square

This free-to-attend event welcomes the whole family for a day-long Mardi Gras party featuring live music, local vendors, activities for kids and more. ultimatelouisianapar.wixsite.com/brmardigrasfest