On a holiday centered around sugary snacks, use these tips to have a healthy Halloween!

This year more than most, so much planning has to go into special holidays like Halloween. How can we ensure kids still enjoy the holiday while having minimal contact? Can we allow them to trick-or treat? One question that comes up each year, pandemic or not, is how can we promote health on a holiday centered around candy? Use this time as an opportunity to talk to your kids about healthy foods! Of course, kids will go trick-or-treating- or celebrate the holiday in some way, so there will be candy, and plenty of it. Here are some ways you can work to ensure that Halloween doesn’t become a fright night (or nights) of sugar overload.

Fuel your body with nutritious food

One way to combat the overeating of candy is to ensure you and your children eat a healthy, balanced meal before celebrating Halloween. Filling up on healthy foods can discourage you from gorging on nutrient-poor candy later in the evening.

Help your family and other by giving out alternative treats

Bring kids into the kitchen. Let them have a part in dreaming up healthy Halloween themed treats that are fun and nutritious. Jack-o-Lantern satsumas, individual bags of pretzels, or even juice boxes can provide a healthy treat that stands out in a sea of sugary candy. Another option to consider is giving out non-food items or trinkets, like coloring books or bubbles, that are still fun treats without all the calories.

Use this time to move your body

While some may think driving from house to house to trick-or-treat is the COVID-safe option, doctors are encouraging still walking the neighborhood as a family. With proper social distancing in the outdoor setting, walking not only provides exercise but helps create lasting family memories!

Enforce candy rules

With a giant bucket of candy sitting on the kitchen counter for days, it’s easy to overindulge. Set limits for yourself and your family. Allow a certain time of day when kids can choose one piece of candy from their bucket. Consider storing the candy in separate bags in the pantry to keep it out of sight. Another option would be to find a program accepting donations of candy for the military or homeless, for example. These options allow your children to enjoy some of their candy without going overboard. Lastly, when your child asks for some candy, pair it with something healthy like a banana, apple, carrots or nuts.

Use these tips to ensure a happier and healthier Halloween season! Children’s Hospital New Orleans provides expert pediatric GI and Nutrition Care in Baton Rouge. Check out our website to learn more!