Merry, bright and get your mind right: New year, same you, sponsored by Refinery Counseling Center

There is a popular saying … “New Year, New Me.” Many of us like the idea of getting a fresh start with the new year. Whether it’s an exercise regimen, a new financial budget, or the promise to give up a bad habit, people often make New Year’s resolutions in an effort to better themselves. Unfortunately, research shows that only 9% of Americans who set New Year’s resolutions keep them.

The truth is, you are likely going to be the same “you” in 2024 as you have been in 2023. But don’t let that discourage you from wanting to grow! While stats regarding resolutions at the new year are bleak, statistics related to counseling are much more promising: about 75% of people who seek counseling or therapy show benefit from it. So if you want to make changes, grow in certain areas, or give up parts of yourself you may have outgrown, perhaps this is your year to connect to a counselor. Start the year prioritizing your mental health and see how the other areas of your life flourish.