The 4-1-1 on Williamson Cosmetic Center and Perenack Aesthetic Surgery
Pictured: Jon Perenack, MD, DDS; Shelly Williamson Esnard, PA-C; Lucius Doucet III, MD
Four fun facts
1. Williamson Cosmetic Center and Perenack Aesthetic Surgery was one of the first practices in Baton Rouge devoted to aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery.
2. According to Allergan, the maker of Botox, they are the #1 provider of Botox Cosmetic and Juvederm in Louisiana.
3. Williamson Cosmetic Center and Perenack Aesthetic Surgery combine the power of cosmetic surgeons, expert injectors and medical aestheticians to deliver their clients the most comprehensive list of services to improve their quality of life, beauty and sense of well being.
4. In addition to daily practice, providers go above and beyond in continuing their medical education. Dr. Jon Perenack is past president of the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ACOMS) as well as an international author, lecturer, and thought leader in facial cosmetic surgery. Two of their expert injectors, Shelly Esnard PA-C and Kristi Robert PA-C are key opinion leaders in aesthetic injectables as well as national faculty trainers for Allergan, the maker of Botox.
One thing you didn’t know they offered
• Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHT) to help address symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause that can affect men and women’s quality of life..

One reason you should come in soon
• The Williamson and Perenack team of providers and staff sincerely care about the clients’ experience. They strive to create a true relationship that continues long past a single treatment. With so many options such as lasers, injections and skin care products they educate and guide each client individually based on their lifestyle, desire and budget.
At Williamson Cosmetic Center & Perenack Aesthetic Surgery, your result is their reputation.