Ask the wedding expert: Will a wedding planner organize a proposal?

Recently, a soon-to-be groom reached out to the inRegister team with the question, “Will a wedding planner organize my proposal?” After all, proposals have reached an all-time level of over-the-top lately–see this story from the inRegister archives. The short answer to his question is yes, or at least that’s according to Kate Cook of KBCook Weddings.
“So many grooms are plugged into local wedding vendors for proposals,” explains Cook. “Many of my grooms have hired wedding photographers to professionally capture the surprise and joy of their engagement. Who better to know how to shoot that romantic, you-only-get-one-shot moment than a photographer who does it for a living? In that same vein, grooms should absolutely feel welcome to engage other wedding professionals in their big moment!”
Logistics are always challenging, and that’s what wedding planners know best. Professionals like Cook are plugged into not only the flow of moments like a proposal, but locations and other vendors that could add a special touch.
“Need to flood the space with candles? Call Truly Haute. Need a classic Rolls to drive her to a special location? Call Classic Cars Baton Rouge,” notes Cook. “Then you can use those same vendors on your wedding day. It would be a really special tie between the couple and those vendors.”
However, while Cook says she could think of endless add-ons that would be special in any moment, she says the key to a successful proposal is making it personal.
“Did you meet in class at LSU? Propose under the stately oaks on campus. Do you share a love of running? Propose at the Baton Rouge beach after a 4-mile run around the lakes. Do you spend your date nights at Bistro Byronz? Order some blue cheese chips and ask her to spend the rest of her life with you,” suggests Cook. “If it’s a place that means something to the two of you then it’s the perfect place to propose.”
For more on KBCook Weddings, check out these weddings featured in the 2019-2020 Weddings issue: Kirby & Matt Deshotels, Kate & Matthew Goulas, Rebecca & Michael Murray, McKenzie & Andre Hernandez, and Katherine & Myles Roberts.
And find out more about Cook on her website here.