Partner with an expert to prepare your student for college [Sponsored]
Sponsored by Collegiate Advisory Placement Service
Many high school students make the mistake of waiting until the last minute to prepare for and select a college. Not only do colleges have application deadlines, but they also have admission requirements–many of which must be met months in advance. Waiting until senior year in high school to start preparing for college, while all too common, is unwise and puts you at a distinct disadvantage to those students who have thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared for college throughout their high school career.
Since colleges look at a student’s accomplishments from all four years of high school, you don’t want to wait until junior or senior year to start thinking about GPA and college admissions. There are many things your student can do during their freshman and sophomore years to make sure they are ready for college and beyond.
Knowing which high school classes to take, what volunteering is best, and navigating scholarships, financial aid and the application process can be tricky. Baton Rouge families have relied on Nancy W. Cadwallader, CEP and Collegiate Advisory Placement Service (CAPS) to help for nearly 40 years. CAPS is an independent educational consulting firm offering services to families as they plan for the educational future of their students.

Nancy travels throughout the country and abroad visiting colleges, boarding schools and therapeutic programs getting to know their curricula, people and admissions criteria. She also travels to conferences throughout the country to stay current with admissions trends for colleges and boarding schools. Nancy also serves as a presenter and moderator at workshops and conferences on a variety of subjects and has been a member of the Collegiate Advisory Placement Service team since it was founded. She received her BFA from Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University and her MFA from Tulane University.
The key here is not to push the student or force them, but to support and guide them. Balance is the key to a lifetime of learning. Preparing for college ahead of time is not only key to getting into a good college, but being ready to tackle college level academics, increasing your chance of success and having an all-around enjoyable experience.
Start now. Get expert guidance to put your student on the right path. Visit or call 225.931.7518 and take some of the stress out of college preparation.