Advice with Ally: Tips for routines during the summer when kids are out of school, sponsored by Refinery Counseling Center

I love to use the term “rhythm” with clients instead of “routines.” The word routine brings to mind a lot of rigidity and demands. I find rhythms more effective because they leave a margin for the ebb and flow of life. For example, during the summer, schedules are a little more flexible. There may be a summer camp in the morning, but afternoons may have more flexibility. I encourage parents to take the stress off of trying to plan every hour of every day and instead, find a rhythm that feels comfortable for your family. In my season of life we have two little ones, so we do our more regimented activities in the mornings and then more free play activities in the afternoon. This rhythm helps me not feel guilty if I can’t fill each hour in the planner but provides some predictability to the day.

Refinery Counseling Center is a boutique mental health counseling group in Baton Rouge.