Men’s health conference next weekend

The 2015 Men’s Health Conference is scheduled for next Saturday, Aug. 22, at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The conference includes speakers, informational sessions and screenings.

For the past 11 years, the Louisiana Men’s Health Organization has organized the annual event, encouraging all men over 18 to attend. Local health professionals, organizations and companies will be on hand to offer advice and answer questions. Former LSU basketball star Rudy Macklin will be the event’s keynote speaker.

According to LMHO, when it comes to health care, women are 100 percent more likely to visit the doctor for an annual exam or preventative services than men.

“The purpose of the Men’s Health Conference is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment, as well as to educate on health risks specific to men of different ages and races,” says Curt Chastain, president of LMHO and the Lake Men’s Health Center. “This conference will also give health care providers, public policy makers, the media and individuals an opportunity to encourage men to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.”