Krewe Mystique de la Capitale Ball February 1, 2022 |By inRegister Staff - FacebookTwitterPinterestPrint The Krewe Mystique de la Capitale hosted its Mardi Gras ball on January 29 at The Crowne Plaza. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre’s Broadway... The Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre held their annual Broadway at the Ballet on September 13 at The Bengal Belles’ Kickoff Luncheon The Bengal Belle organization held its annual luncheon on August 29 at L'Auberge Casino & Baton Rouge Epicurean Society’s Fête... The Baton Rouge Epicurean Society hosted its 17th annual Fete Rouge fundraiser at the L’Auberge What to do in Baton... From galas to festivals, there's plenty to do this Casa’s for CASA The Capital Area Court Appointed Special Advocate Association hosted its annual Casas for CASA TRENDING STORIESHomesPitch Perfect: The new home of a retired MLB player… Will Harris and his family have a new home in…WeddingsGet a glimpse into the 2024-2025 inRegister Weddings… The rehearsal dinner of our cover couple perfectly coordinated with…
Krewe Mystique de la Capitale Ball February 1, 2022 |By inRegister Staff - FacebookTwitterPinterestPrint The Krewe Mystique de la Capitale hosted its Mardi Gras ball on January 29 at The Crowne Plaza.