Botanic Garden summer plant sale next Saturday
Botanic Garden plant sale Aug. 15
The 16th annual summer plant sale and gardening expo is scheduled for next Saturday, Aug. 15, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Baton Rouge Botanic Garden at Independence Park, located at 7950 Independence Blvd. Those who go can browse and purchase culinary herbs, garden vegetables, roses, Louisiana irises, gingers, daylilies, native plants, begonias, succulents and ferns, in addition to other plants and shrubs. Because the plants being sold are all grown locally, buyers can purchase with peace of mind knowing their plant will do well in the area.
Garden society members and vendors will be available to discuss the basics of selecting, growing, and maintaining plants. The show is hosted by the Baton Rouge Botanic Garden Foundation Board, Friends of the Botanic Garden and BREC. All sale proceeds go to development of the Botanic Garden.