Exhibiting artist Jane Chapman’s painting, "Silent Splendor," displays the captured beauty of the LSU Lakes. Photo courtesy Associated Women in the Arts.

Associated Women in the Arts celebrates Louisiana landscapes at this week’s reception

The Associated Women in the Arts’ newest exhibiting member show, “Louisiana…Through the Painter’s Lens” is a collection of Louisiana landscapes inspired by the artists’ personal experiences within them. At a public reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Senate Chamber of the Old State Capitol this Thursday, April 21, join the artists whose work in-studio or in plein air captures the essence of our state’s most stunning vistas, all while enjoying light drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

For more information on the exhibit, which runs through April 25, visit the organization’s website at associatedwomeninthearts.com and follow along on Facebook @AssociatedWomenInTheArts and on Instagram @AssociatedWomenInTheArts.