Tie one on: A Father’s Day standard freshens up
Pink and gray plaid bow tie
$55, Brown & Brown Custom Clothiers
Pink crawfish bow tie
Vineyard Vines
$55, Perlis
Reversible purple and gold bow tie
Custom made
$85, Martinez Custom Clothier
Walter bow tie
Bayou Bowties
$138, bayoubowties.com
Orange Skipjack bow tie
Southern Tide
$55, Harper’s Haberdashery
Quail Hunt bow tie in Mint
Bird Dog Bay
$60, McLavy Ltd.
Red and blue floral bow tie
Robert Jensen
$75, George Bass
Mint Floral bow tie
Carrot & Gibbs
$65, Carriages Fine Clothier
The Seashore bow tie
Ties to the South
$38, tiestothesouth.com