Photo by Collin Richie

Accounting for Art: Sarah Fulton helps creatives keep their books

Sarah Fulton

Hometown: Baton Rouge

Age: 26

Artistry: CEO, Fulton Bookkeeping and Accounting

Online:, @fultonbookkeeping on Instagram

Turning creativity into commerce is perhaps the greatest challenge facing every artist. Even when raw talent, passion and ideas are abundant, there’s still the matter of budgeting for materials, tracking sales and expenses, and paying taxes. There are always taxes.

While these left-brained skills are a steep learning-curve for many, one local creative thrives by helping artists find financial efficiency.

“Most are a little wary of being judged, and they want to work with someone who is low-pressure and kind,” says Sarah Fulton, founder and lone CPA behind Fulton Bookkeeping and Accounting. “Basically, artists, especially younger ones, want someone they can be friends with who happens to help them with accounting.”

The St. Joseph’s Academy and LSU grad was working in the accounting department of a massive home health company when she had an epiphany. Assisting entrepreneurs and artists one on one is the best way for her to feel connected and constructive with her skillset.

“I didn’t feel like I was helping people enough where I was, and I wanted to be a real part of the Baton Rouge community,” Fulton says.

A self-described introverted extrovert, Fulton trained for years as an opera vocalist. She paints large abstract work on canvas, listens to music, and devours fantasy novels to wind down.

When conceiving of her own bookkeeping service nearly two years ago, Fulton knew she wanted her new business to be authentic to her personality.

“Comfort is the most important thing,” Fulton says. “This is who I am, so I thought that has to be a big part of my business: being authentically welcoming and warm.”

Popular local artist Cora Barhorst—known as Cora B. Gallery on social media—responded instantly to Fulton’s approach.

“As a creative entrepreneur, that’s your baby, and you’re really on your own with so much of it, so to have someone on your side who is like a personal CFO, that’s so great to have,” Barhorst says. “So much of being an artist is being a business, too. Sarah genuinely gets that, and she cares about community and makes you feel empowered.”

Fulton now has a handful of clients scattered throughout the country and recently redesigned her brand’s look. She volunteered accounting services for The Flower Fest and has joined a business mentorship group to connect with other female entrepreneurs.

“I have a lot of respect and an awe for artists, and I look up to them,” Fulton says. “That’s what makes what I do so rewarding.”