Photo by Arden Hale

My Favorite Things: Laura Rentrop

Owner, The Foyer

Guilty pleasure: Twix and a Diet Coke

Place for lunch: Heather V’s Café

TV show: Outlander. I mean, Jamie Fraser. Do I need to say more?

Way to spend $20: Shopping local, of course!

Baton Rouge experience or attraction: Fall and football in Death Valley. You can’t top this one!

Way to get myself moving in the morning: Cup of coffee and a 6:15 Regymen Fitness Ascension class

Childhood memory: Yearly summer family vacations to Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia

Song on my playlist: “Granted” by Josh Groban

Photo by Jordan Hefler

Item in my wardrobe: That reminds me, I need new clothes!

Concert I ever attended: Garth Brooks in LSU Tiger Stadium

Way to unwind: Just being outside in nature

Book: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Perfume: Nectarine & Honey by Jo Malone

App on my smartphone: Yuka. It scans the barcodes on food and cosmetics and tells you how bad/good they are and why.

Excuse to indulge: Diet starts Monday

Most treasured possession: My sweet, loving American bulldog-boxer mix, Charlie

Idea of perfect happiness: Being satisfied with my perfectly imperfect self—and maybe a house on a golf course overlooking an ocean or lake

Hot Tin

My motto for life: Celebrate being alive!

Out-of-town destination: Rooftop bar hopping in New Orleans

Hidden talent: If I told you, it wouldn’t be hidden now would it?