Don't step onto Vandy's campus this weekend before you read these tips on making the most of going to an away game. Stock photo.

On the way to see the Tigers play: Away-game travel tips with Geauxing Places Travel

Getting everything together for a game day can take some serious coordinating between tickets, parking passes and tailgate goodies. Now take all of those elements, throw in a new city and a new stadium, and it can be a logistical nightmare. Trying to make travel plans, book hotel rooms, and find restaurants that accommodate your group’s needs can be tricky. However, Tiger fans bleed purple and gold for a reason and are always willing to make the trip in order to watch their team play.

From Austin to Oxford and Nashville to Tuscaloosa, the Tigers are visiting some pretty cool places and playing in some exciting games this season. To make the planning process a bit less stressful, we met with Leeann Fullerton of Geauxing Places Travel to find out exactly what you should do before hitting the road:

1. Book early.

Make your hotel reservation at the beginning of the season or, even better, as soon as schedules come out. A good thing to remember when traveling is that you can normally always cancel a hotel reservation but you can’t always get one later.

2. Make sure you have your own space.

If you’re traveling with a group of friends, make a group reservation with plenty of rooms. There’s nothing worse after a long day than taking a shower and having to wait your turn because you decided to cut costs by piling a bunch of people in one room.

3. Remember: if you’re not early, you’re late.

Try to arrive in town and at your hotel the early afternoon. Even if you have a confirmation number, hotels and airlines typically overbook on busy weekends, and if you’re the last one to show up, you may not have a room waiting for you.

4. Opt for upgrades.

Always be courteous and friendly to the experts behind the counter, because they have the ability to upgrade your seat or hotel room if there’s availability.

5. When in doubt, Yelp it out.

Use websites like Yelp to find the good restaurants and bars ahead of time and see if they require reservations. If they do, or if you want to ensure that your group gets a table, go ahead and make the reservation well in advance.

6. Plan out the game-day commute.

Make sure you figure out how far from the stadium your hotel is, and then decide if you’re going to use taxis or ride-share apps like Uber or Lyft to get around.

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Last but not least: When in doubt, call your travel agent. If no one in your group wants to take on the job of organizing and planning the trip, travel agents are ready to help in any way you need them.

Are you going to be using any of these tips to plan your next away-game trip? Let us know in the comments below.