My Favorite Things: Lori DeBenedetto-Webb
Owner, Lulu & Bean
Guilty pleasure: Thai bubble tea with chia seeds and extra boba
Place for lunch: Zeeland Street for downhome cookin’
Way to spend a Saturday morning: Riding in my daughter’s convertible Volkswagen Beetle to CC’s for lattes while listening to her playlist on our way to work
TV shows: Korean dramas (Warning: They are addictive.)
Class in high school: P.E. (Best in P.E. Award, RHS, 1993 … true story, haha!)
Ways to get myself moving in the mornings: Puppy kisses and coffee!
Childhood memory: Making an unassisted triple play in t-ball
Book: A Euro-American on a Korean Tour at a Thai Restaurant in China
Concert I ever attended: Garth Brooks, 1993, the PMAC
Ways to unwind: Deep breathing, classical music, cocktails
Baton Rouge experience or attraction: Wearin’ of the Green parade. My shop is on the parade route, and we host a big St. Paddy’s Day party. (Fun fact: I’m asleep for the night by 2 p.m.)
Out-of-town destination: South Korea. We visit every few years to spend time in our children’s birth country.
Place for a manicure/pedicure: Zaza, my sweet next-door neighbors
Place to have a shopping spree: The Backpacker to shop for my boys
Most treasured possessions: Family photos and my grandmother’s marble-top table
Idea of perfect happiness: Road trip with my husband, kids and dogs with no itinerary and nothing but time (and unlimited Diet Cokes and Cheez-Its)
Way to spend $20: My youngest son and I bring doughnuts for our co-volunteers with Second Chance Dog Rescue to our adoption events at PetSmart on Sundays.
Hidden talent: Super-recognizer. I’ll likely remember you even if we’ve just met once and only briefly.
Talent I wish I had: Rubik’s Cube solver (one of my oldest son’s talents)