My favorite things: Brittany Roberts
Yoga instructor and co-creator, Leela Yoga Lifestyle
Guilty pleasure: Trying on all the clothes in my closet, cranking up the music and having a personal fashion show/dance party

Place for lunch: MJ’s Café or Vegan Friendly Foods, and I miss The Dish very much.
Way to spend Saturday morning: At the Red Stick Farmers Market
TV show: Seinfeld
Way to spend $20: Bottle of wine
Class in high school: Math. Definitely math.
Song on my playlist: I’m a huge music fan and have too many playlists to count. On my most recently made playlist: “High Hopes” by Pink Floyd.
Talent I wish I had: Skateboarding. I’ve always wanted to learn.
Way to get myself moving in the morning: No surprise here … yoga!
Out-of-town destination: San Francisco to visit my two sisters and one brother. We are all extremely close.
Item in my wardrobe: Ball gown
Childhood memory: Dancing in The Nutcracker

Baton Rouge experience or attraction: All the murals, the obvious and the hidden
Book: Harry Potter
Concert I ever attended: Phish. I’ve seen them more than 100 times!
Perfume: Essential oils
Most treasured possession: Do we really “own” anything in this life?
My motto for life: “Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.” May all beings everywhere be happy and free. May my thoughts, words and actions contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
Hidden talent: I’m a secret artist.