Photo by Natalie Miller

My Favorite Things: Amber Elworth

Managing Owner, Light House Coffee

Guilty pleasure: Mr. Goodbar or S’mores Pop-Tarts.

Place for lunch: FinBomb

TV show: The West Wing or The Newsroom. I love Aaron Sorkin.

Way to spend a Saturday morning: I typically work on Saturday mornings. But if I didn’t, I would sleep as late as possible and snuggle with my French bulldog Stitch.

Way to spend $20: Probably at girls’ night out at Soji

Class in high school: Mr. Green’s history class at Ruston High

Way to get myself moving in the morning: An iced cappuccino with oat milk and honey from Light House Coffee helps. But I passionately hate mornings. They should be outlawed.

Childhood memory: Having chats with my late grandmother, Nanny

Song on my playlist: “Narcissist” by No Rome and The 1975

Baton Rouge experience or attraction: I am obsessed with the Main Library at Goodwood. I love to go sit with a good book and coffee.

Item in my wardrobe: I call them my comfy Aladdin pants.

Way to unwind: Watching a show with my husband with a glass of white wine. Or taking a hot bath.

Time of year: Fall. Amazing weather and LSU Football

Place for a manicure/pedicure: ZaZa

Perfume: Clinique Happy

Place to have a shopping spree: West Elm

Excuse to indulge: Date night

Idea of perfect happiness: Being able to eat out for every meal without gaining weight

Hidden talent: I’m an intermediate calligrapher.

My motto for life: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of you heart.” Psalm 37:4