My Favorite Things: Jordan Piazza
Jordan Piazza
Co-owner, Phil’s Oyster Bar & Seafood Restaurant
Executive director, Lemonade Day Louisiana
Guilty pleasure: Raising Cane’s Box Combo, no coleslaw, extra sauce with half sweet/half unsweet tea
Place for lunch: If I’m not in the Backroom at Phil’s Oyster Bar, you can find me at Jay’s BBQ
Way to spend a Saturday morning: Sleep a little later than normal and breakfast at Zeeland Street Market or Simple Joe Café
Way to spend $20: Splitting the greens on roulette at L’Auberge
Class in high school: History with Mrs. Scates at U-High
Baton Rouge experiences or attractions: The triceratops exhibit at LASM and LSU tailgating
Way to get myself moving in the morning: Leaving my phone in my bathroom so I have to get up to turn the alarm off
Childhood memory: Spending time working alongside my father at Phil’s on Government, serving as “proprietor,” as he would put it
Song on my iPod: “Right Above It” by Lil Wayne
Out-of-town destination: Peter Island, BVI
Locale for date night: The bar area at Gino’s … no question about it
Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People
Cologne: Issey Miyake Sport
Hidden talent: Handyman
Most treasured possession: My father’s watch that I received when he passed away
Talent I wish I had: The ability to continue to get taller
My motto for life: Do it now or regret it later