My favorite things: Galen Iverstine
Owner, Iverstine Family Farms and Iverstine Farms Butcher
Guilty pleasure: Ice cream in any form. All of it.
Way to spend a Saturday morning: Cooking pancakes with kids
Place for lunch: Izzo’s Illegal Burritos
TV show: Breaking Bad
Way to spend $20: Two to-go happy-hour margaritas at Superior for me and my wife
Class in high school: World history with Mr. O’Brien
Baton Rouge experience or attraction: Bandito Fest was awesome this year!
Way to get myself moving in the morning: 5 a.m. workout at Iron Tribe
Childhood memory: Riding dirt bikes in the Kisatchie National Forest
Song on my playlist: “Make Art not Friends” by Sturgill Simpson
Most treasured possession: My Martin D-16 guitar
Locale for date night: Beausoleil
Item in my wardrobe: Lululemon Pace Breaker Shorts
Way to unwind: Rocking my youngest to sleep
Website to kill some time:
Concert I ever attended: Wilco at Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Online shopping destination:
Place to have a shopping spree: The Backpacker
Time of year: Fall
Talent I wish I had: Artistic ability. I have zero artistic ability.
Hidden talent: I’m a pretty good whistler.