Photo by Jeannie Frey Rhodes

Burnin’ down the house: What the Best Dressed Ball committee would grab in a fire

When it comes to emergencies, the most important thing to have is a plan. And while the where-to-go and who-to-call portions are the most important, today we’re interested in what people would be grabbing on the way out.

In honor of the upcoming Best Dressed Ball on August 10, we reached out to this year’s ball committee to learn what essentials they would never leave home without.

Sarah Balladares: A black jumpsuit.

Danielle Guadamud: Photo albums.

Dallas Cockrell: My dog.

Dixon McMakin. Photo by Jeannie Frey Rhodes.

Dixon McMakin: The specialty jacket I would need for that weekend’s wedding or emcee event (#dudefashionblog).

Erin Alvarez: Grandmother’s ring.

Rebecca Knight: Pair of jeans because I’m probably in sweats!

Leslie King. Photo by Kleinpeter Photography.

Leslie King: My kitty cat.

Ashlyn Guglielmo: My favorite pair of jeans.

Michelle Lanoix: My great-grandmother’s ring.

Katie Baron

Katie Baron: My gold studded Valentino pumps. They go with everything!

What would you grab? Let us know in the comments below, or tag us on Instagram or Facebook.