Photos courtesy Be Kind Body Products.

10 Questions with Be Kind Body Products

After the sheer craziness of 2020, we all deserve a little—or a lot of—self care. Enter self-taught soap maker and entrepreneur Kirsha Barker, who discovered the necessity of treating yourself years ago, and through something as simple as a bar of soap. Her brand, Be Kind Body Products, which has been selling on Etsy since 2016, encourages pampering through a large variety of handmade soaps, scrubs and bath bombs, whether in festive designs for the holidays or traditionally tranquil scents for everyday.

We reached out to Barker to learn more about her carefully designed soaps and body products:

1. What inspired you to start Be Kind Body Products?

One day I bought a handmade bar of soap, and while using it that night in the shower and listening to my little ones knocking on the bathroom door, I realized how important it is to make time for yourself, to treat yourself, and most importantly to be kind to yourself.  Just one bar of handmade soap and a few minutes to myself is what started my journey into soap making, and also my journey into giving back to myself.

2. What kind of products do you make?

I currently make a variety of soaps, bath bombs, and whipped sugar scrubs.

3. What is your professional background? How did you get your start?

I am mostly self-taught, but I have learned many skills throughout my journey. I run my small business completely on my own.  When I am not creating, I am taking pictures of products, editing, marketing, packaging, then heading to the post office to get your products to you. I have the greatest respect for small business owners, because I know firsthand how much dedication and love goes into their businesses.

4. What is one product you cannot live without?

I have been making soap for more than five years now, and it is still my first love. Our cold-process soaps are made from scratch with designs and color schemes straight from my imagination, making them the one product I could not live without. Soap making is an artform that I have grown to love and appreciate so much.

5. What is one thing you would like people to know about Be Kind Body Products that they might not be aware of? 

Be Kind Body Products was born from recognizing how important it is to be kind to ourselves. Our products encourage you to carve out time for yourself, whether it’s to soak with a bath bomb or enjoying a luxurious soap and a few moments to yourself in the shower. My hope is that our handmade bath products help women realize it is OK to make time for themselves, because we absolutely deserve it!

6. What does a typical day look like for you?

I am a wife, a mother and a business owner, and I also work full time, so my days consist of taking care of those around me. I have had to work hard to find balance between meeting the needs of my family while running my own business.

7. Where do you seek inspiration for your products?

What moves and inspires me the most is the love and support I receive from customer reviews.  I have been known to shed a tear of gratitude over the amazing reviews. To know that I created something that put a smile on someone else’s face inspires me the most.

8. What are your best-selling products right now?

Our seasonal gift sets are really popular right now. The sets include a variety of soaps, bath bombs and sugar scrubs, with many different price ranges ideal for any gift-giving budget. Our best selling scents are Jasmine, Linen & Lace and Satin Sheets.

9. How does Be Kind Body Products stand out?

We really aspire to provide unique quality products for a reasonable price. We are blessed with many return customers, and their kind reviews speak for us.

10. Where can people find your products?

You can purchase our products through our Etsy shop, and I am also a vendor at various local shows throughout the area. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for special offers.