Photos by Aimee Broussard.

Peanut Butter Puppy Cookies to make for your furry friend

Bone appetit! These dog treats from inRegister food columnist Aimee Broussard utilize natural ingredients to keep your furry friends happy and full. Try your hand in making this sweet snack for a healthy alternative to store bought dog treats.

Pro Tip: Before baking, check the peanut butter label to make sure it does not a contain xylitol (sometimes called “birch sugar”), an artificial sweetener that is deadly for dogs.


1 cup whole wheat flour (you can also use oat flour)
½ cup rolled oats
2 to 3 Tbsp. peanut butter, chunky or smooth
¼ cup plus 1 Tbsp. hot water
For decorating
½ cup smooth peanut butter, slightly warmed
¼ cup carob chips, melted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, mix together flour and oats. Add peanut butter and hot water; combine well. Using a mini cookie scoop (or rounded spoonfuls), shape into rounded balls, then slightly flatten onto a silicone baking mat. If you’re not decorating the cookies, you can add an egg wash (1 egg whisked and applied with a pastry brush to the tops) to cookies prior to baking for shiny cookies.
Baking time will depend on your dog’s preference: Bake for about 30 minutes for a slightly soft interior and hardened exterior, or about 40 minutes for a crunchy cookie. Allow cookies to cool completely on a baking rack.
To decorate, using piping bags with small decorating tips, outline your dog with peanut butter. Use melted carob chips for eyes and mouth. Serve immediately.
Makes 1 dozen.

Aimee Broussard is a Southern food blogger and award-winning author. Her recent cookbook Picnics, Potlucks & Porch Parties debuted exclusively on QVC. Join Aimee for weekly recipes with a side of Southern hospitality on her blog,