From the March issue: Holly Clegg’s cancer diagnosis won’t keep her down
Baton Rouge cookbook author and chef Holly Clegg has transformed her own stomach cancer diagnosis into motivation for her work.
Less than 1% of women endure stomach cancer in their lifetime, but instead of asking “why me?,” Holly thought, “maybe it is me because I am someone who can make a difference for stomach cancer.”
Although she is not able eat all the foods she once could, her passion for food has yet to subside. Holly continues to spend many days in the kitchen, hooked to a feeding tube she dubbed “Cookie,” to cope with stress and create treats for others. Throughout her chemotherapy treatments, she re-discovered several recipes she had forgotten about. From her personal favorite, chicken with lemon caper sauce, to easy potato soup, she has figured out how to continue to relish in her love for food while adhering to her limitations.
“Cancer just happens to be part of her life going forward,” says her husband Mike. “And I think she will use this to help thousands and thousands of more people.”
Click here to read more about Holly Clegg and her inspirational journey in this month’s issue of inRegister, available on newsstands now.