Photo Collin Richie.

It’s strawberry salad summer. Try this sweet and simple recipe

You can’t beat a Louisiana strawberry in the summertime. And one of the best parts about the sweet berries is that they can be enjoyed plain or thrown into several different recipes.

In the May issue of inRegister, April Hamilton showed us how to create the perfect summer salad filled with sweet strawberries, goat cheese crisps and roasted pecans. So instead of reaching for a strawberry-flavored popsicle this Memorial Day weekend, try making this healthy option that still offers the sweetness you’re craving. Read on for the full recipe and click here for more strawberry recipes from the May issue.

Spinach Salad with Goat Cheese Crisps and Strawberry Vinaigrette

The salad ingredients are for each serving. The goat cheese crisps can be assembled a day ahead and cooked just before serving or cooked and reheated.

For Goat Cheese Crisps:

1 11-oz. log of fresh goat cheese, cold

13 cup flour, seasoned with 1/2 tsp. each salt and pepper

1 egg, beaten with 2 tsp. water

1 cup panko breadcrumbs

2 Tbsp. olive oil

Slice goat cheese into twelve equal pieces and shape into 2- to 3-inch disks. Place on parchment-lined baking sheet and chill until you have assembled the breading ingredients.

In a shallow baking dish or pie pan, combine flour with salt and pepper. In a second dish, mix egg with water, and in a third dish, sprinkle in panko. Press each disk of chilled goat cheese into flour, turning to coat, and shake off excess. Dip into egg to coat, then into panko, pressing so crumbs coat top and bottom. Return each coated cheese disk to parchment-lined sheet. When all are coated, chill for 30 minutes or cover and chill overnight.

Right before serving, heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Carefully add crumb-coated goat cheese disks and cook until golden brown on first side, 2 to 3 minutes, then turn and cook on second side for another minute or two to brown and heat through. Remove to a plate lined with paper towel and let cool slightly before serving. Extras can be refrigerated in a sealed container for up to 3 days.

For Strawberry Vinaigrette:

Don’t toss the last of the jam jar! Save those few lingering teaspoons of jam to make a quick and easy salad dressing.

1 Tbsp. strawberry jam or preserves, in the jar

3 Tbsp. red or white wine vinegar

13 cup extra virgin olive oil

½ tsp. each coarse salt and pepper

Add vinegar to jam in jar. Screw lid on tight and shake well to release jam from sides of jar. Add olive oil and salt and pepper and shake again.

Makes about 23 cup, enough for 6 to 8 salads.

For each serving of salad:

2 large handfuls fresh baby spinach

2 strawberries, capped and sliced

Roasted pecans

Goat Cheese Crisps

Strawberry Vinaigrette

Lay the “per person” spinach out in a shallow serving platter and toss with a Tbsp. or so of dressing per serving to lightly coat. Top with the strawberries, pecans and about 2 goat cheese crisps per person. Serve.