Angie Huff & Jenny Theriot of SYNC

Let SYNC guide you into the new era of hormone replacement therapy

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If you’re struggling to find energy to cook dinner, play with your kids or help with homework at the end of the day, you may be experiencing a hormone imbalance. Hormone levels can start to shift in our late 20s and 30s, even before the onset of perimenopause and menopause. That’s why it’s a great idea to get a baseline check of your levels.

Doctor of Pharmacy Angie Huff, a holistic medicine specialist who founded SYNC in 2016, explains that having balanced hormones can lead to better sleep, increased stamina, less pain, better mood, clearer skin and an improved sex drive. And who wouldn’t want that?

At SYNC, the staff believes in a more proactive approach to healthcare that is centered around getting to the root cause of a patient’s health issues. One component is balanced hormone levels, which can lead to longevity and the protection of bones, breasts and the cardiovascular system.

“The team at SYNC has truly changed my life! Initially, I was curious to see what was going on inside my body but when my inflammation markers returned at an 18, I knew I had to make a change. Following their program and with their continual support, balancing my hormones, optimizing detoxification, and restoring my nutrient deficiencies, my inflammation markers dropped from 18 to a 0.6 after one year and are back in a safe range. I wake up with more energy, and my mood has improved dramatically. I’ve even lost 34 pounds!” – Jennifer M.

“I don’t think people realize how many systems can be affected by a lack of hormones,” Huff says. As a compounding pharmacist, she understands the different modalities of how hormones can be delivered, as well as the nutraceuticals and lifestyle recommendations needed to ensure that hormones are optimized and metabolized correctly throughout the body.

Many things believed about Hormone Replacement Therapy in the past are simply not true, Huff says, and were based on a Women’s Health Initiative study that began collecting data in 1991 from women taking synthetic forms of both estrogen and progesterone. While not everyone is a candidate for HRT, SYNC also offers other adjunct nutraceuticals and lifestyle modifications that can also help.

SYNC’s hormone track is a streamlined process that begins with an electronic health intake form and a blood panel curated by the SYNC staff. Once the results are in, the patient meets with SYNC’s Nurse Practitioner Jenny Theriot to review the results and go over a customized plan that aims to get everything back in balance.

Follow-up visits are planned at both three months and six months to determine how the patient is metabolizing the hormones and their effectiveness. “You can’t just prescribe a hormone and send a woman on her way,” Huff says. “SYNC takes a much more comprehensive approach.”

Along with estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, part of SYNC’s comprehensive approach is to evaluate other important hormone functions like insulin, thyroid and stress hormones.

Another important thing to note, Huff says, is that SYNC is not necessarily chasing lab results. “We treat the patient as a whole, which is different than just looking at their labs. You may have been told that your hormone levels are normal, but clearly, you’re not feeling your best,” she says. “The goal is for the woman to feel like herself again.”

Signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance beyond hot flashes & night sweats

  • Problems sleeping
  • Brain fog
  • Changes in sexual desire, activity or satisfaction
  • Joint and muscular discomfort
  • Changes in mood including depression, irritability or anxiety
  • Weight gain

For more information about SYNC’s hormone track or it’s even more comprehensive vitality track, visit online at